The Moon and Your Garden

If someone told you to think of the moon, what would you think of?  Werewolves... maybe vampires...  Mainly it's just there to look pretty, right?
The moon has more of an effect on the earth than you might realize.  The sap rising and waning in trees, the soil growing damper and drier, even your own moods and energy levels; are a few things which are affected by the pull of the moon.

When planning on planting or harvesting plants in the garden - exactly the same as tides, the moisture in the soil will be pulled closer to the surface around the new and full moons.
Seeds will absorb more water during this time, and it will boost the growth of new plants.

One important thing to remember is that the moon is not the main dictator for what to plant when; the seasons are responsible for that.  The moon is like a sub-category, and has it's own cycles, which can be easily slotted into your life, if you choose to.

In gardening, there are four main phases of the moon; the New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter.  Each phase lasts around seven days, and each have their own set of tasks which when completed during that phase yield the best results.



From New Moon to First Quarter
As the light from the moon increases, and it becomes more than just a dim glow, everything starts "waking up" again.  
The moisture creeps up through the earth, the sap begins to rise, and the moonlight helps the leaves on new plants to grow.  
This is the best time to plant leafy green plants, mulch, weed, and start sowing seeds.

From First Quarter to Full Moon
This is a great time to plant most seedlings, as the light becomes stronger, but the gravitational pull is less.
Try not to do anything in the garden the day before or on the full moon.
A few days prior to the full moon is a good time for planting in general.
The plants that prefer this phase are annums, which produce above ground, but their seeds form inside the fruit.

From Full Moon to Last Quarter
The full moon has now passed, and everything starts waning.  Imagine it as the earth slowly exhaling, getting ready to rest.  There is still a lot of moonlight; however, so leaves will continue growing healthily. 
Just after the full moon is the time to plant and harvest root vegetables, and you can start pruning back hedges and trees.
Avoid sowing seeds as the moon starts waning.

From Last Quarter to New Moon
The moon is now at it's lowest, quietest point, and so is the earth.  Plants grow slower, and leaves will appear more drab and dull.
This is prime time for harvesting, pruning, weeding, and cultivating.  Mow your lawns during this time, as the grass will grow back slower.  


The moon has been used as a calender and crop chart for thousands of years. 
So next time you're getting out the gardening books, and planning out this season's gardening, it might be good to throw a moon chart in there too, to be sure you're making the most of it's effect on the earth!
